God Hands VR Project


This project was made for my virtual reality and augmented reality class. For this project, we had to either work by ourselves or in groups with up to two others on making a VR game together. The game that I made with my classmates is called God Hands. You play as two hands which each hand being controlled by a VR controller and you try and stop the enemies from reaching to your side of the map in a series of waves. You can shoot bullets out of your hand, ground stomp, throw enemies, or objects at the enemies to stop the enemies from reaching your base.


My groupmates and I organized the tasks of the project by listing them all on a trello board and taking tasks. The tasks that I have take on is working on making the hands shoot bullets, enemies being spawned in waves, and the score display for the game. How the hand shooting the bullet works is it you hold down the grip button and it will transform your hands into a gun-like form. While holding down the grip button, you fire with the trigger button to shoot a bullet out of your fingers. How the wave and score works is that it will spawn a number of enemies for a certain amount of time. Each wave adds in extra 10 seconds to the timer.


Once the project reached the last day of class for the semester, it is displayed to other classmates. Each group in the class displays their game that they made for VR class as we all demo each other’s works.